4 Things Men Can Do To Combat Sadness

4 Things Men Can Do To Combat Sadness

Sadness is a silent epidemic that’s common among men. Nearly 1 in 10 men experience depression and anxiety. Also, men die of suicide 3.5 times more often than women. Although men experience sadness, depression, or anxiety, they are unlikely to talk about it. Therefore, there’s a likelihood that the statistics are higher. 

If one does not take the right steps to combat sadness, it can worsen ones issues and lead to excessive drinking, conflicts with others, depression, and extreme cases of suicide.

But, the good news is that there are four inexpensive ways that men can combat sadness. 


  1. Workout 

Regular workouts can help ease sadness. When you work out, the body releases feel-good endorphins that enhance wellness. Furthermore, exercise helps relieve your mind of your worries. 

Many people don’t realize that there are psychological and emotional benefits to working out. One of the benefits is that it improves your coping abilities. Drinking alcohol or dwelling on the situation is likely to make you feel worse. But, when you exercise, you improve your body physically, psychologically, and emotionally.

If you don’t have a workout routine currently, you can start to slowly and gradually build one up. There are dozens of videos online for beginners that can help you incorporate exercise into your daily routine. 

  1. Nature and treks

Extensive studies back up the proven benefit of nature and treks on mental health. In one Stanford research, the authors discovered that nature yields measurable benefits and helps lower the risks of depression. 

Feeling sad? Take a hike. 

Interacting with the environment helps remove your mind from the situation at hand. The sight of trees, the sense and feeling of warm sunshine, and the awareness of the breeze brushing against your skin enhance a calming effect in your body. Trekking helps build muscle and lowers your chances of getting ill.

You can begin actively spending more time in nature by incorporating it into your schedule. Get acquainted with the nearest park and spend some time outside.


  1. Worship 

Worship is another way to boost your mental health. Research suggests religiosity reduces the rates of suicide, alcoholism, and drug use.

Religion provides people with a sense of structure. It helps us connect to something bigger than ourselves. Also, it gives us a platform to look within ourselves and make meaning of our lives. 

One aspect of religion is worship. John Ortberg said, “I need worship because, without it, I lose a sense of wonder and gratitude and plod through life with blinders on.” Worship helps us become aware of the presence of God. This awareness calms our souls and motivates us to surrender the situation to the higher power. When we worship through music, we get to calm our minds and emotions, leading to peace and joy. 

  1. Go on dates 

Going on dates is another way that men can combat sadness. Dates offer an excellent opportunity to meet new people and experience new environments. It provides a break from the normal routine, and allows you to talk to other people and exchange ideas.

Maybe going on dates is something that makes you anxious. You can overcome dating anxiety by being positive and avoiding assumptions. Challenge the negative thoughts that pop up in your mind, by keeping calm and positive. 

You should plan for dates and keep an open mind. Don’t go there with a serious and critical attitude. Instead, go on dates with a genuine interest to get your mind off whatever is fuelling the sadness. Be open to meeting new people, conversing with them, and enjoying their company. Most of all, be genuinely interested in getting to know the other person. 

Once you find a person you enjoy spending time with, you can ask them to join you for a nature walk or hike. 

To conclude

We all experience sadness at some point in our lives. But, left unchecked, sadness can persist and result in feelings of depression and anxiety. Sadness is bad for our mental and physical health. 

There’s growing evidence that several parts of the brain shrink in people with depression. 

Yet you don’t have to carry on in a state of depression. You can take control of the situation by working out, enjoying nature walks and treks, through worship, and going out on dates. 

These four aspects help you healthily manage sadness. They will also help you find meaning in life and can even assist you in finding a new purpose. 

Try out each of these steps for yourself. Better yet, you can keep a journal to track your progress.

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