6 Ways To Approach A Woman Without Being Creepy

6 Ways To Approach A Woman Without Being Creepy

Have you ever approached a strikingly beautiful woman, with the intention to genuinely get to know her, only for her to reject you because she perceived you as creepy?

It can take an extreme toll on your self-worth and confidence as a man if you constantly experience rejection from women, especially when you see other men having far more luck than you. Knowing exactly how to portray yourself as irresistible in the eyes of a woman who is not only beautiful, but also smart, is a highly invaluable skill for the modern day man. It is commonly agreed upon that a man’s success has a lot to do with the woman he chooses to have in his life.

Below are 6 ways on how to approach a woman without being creepy. By confidently mastering this skill, you will notice more women let their guards down around you, they are more receptive to you, and you will ultimately find more success in your dating and love life.


Maintain good personal hygiene

A beautiful and smart woman prides herself on good personal hygiene. So if you want her to show an interest in you, you must also ensure that your personal hygiene standards are well maintained.

Create a good set of personal hygiene habits, such as showering frequently (showering daily is a good practice for most), washing your hands, wearing stain-free clothes, and being sure you do not smell of unpleasant body odor. Also, maintain good oral hygiene by brushing your teeth twice a day.


Be confident, not arrogant

Confidence is an attractive trait that involves a level of self-assurance of your own greatness and abilities. Arrogance on the other hand, is an exaggerated sense of one’s importance and worth.

An arrogant man looks down on others as though they are beneath them. This trait is rooted in insecurity. Since a woman’s highest priority with men is to feel safe and secure, if she can sense that you are riddled with insecurities, this will only make her wonder “how can this man make me feel secure when he is not secure in himself?”


Don’t be pushy

Being pushy will have you come across as desperate or needy. Respect her personal space so that she can gain a full sense of your character without feeling pressured. Whether you are approaching her on the sidewalk, a restaurant bar, an event, or at the gym, leave ample space between you both, so she doesn’t feel that her safety is threatened.

Also, don’t ask for her number right away. Show your desire to genuinely get to know her first, then when she shows an interest to get to know you more, then ask for her number. 


Speak in a calm and relaxed manner

A calm and relaxed man comes across as more trustworthy. By speaking in a calm and relaxed manner, a woman will instantly feel more relaxed and at ease in your presence.

Avoid speaking too fast, or speaking with an angry or dominant tone of voice as she will find you intimidating or arrogant. Also, when you speak in a calm and relaxed manner, you avoid coming across as needy or desperate.


Pay her a genuine compliment

Paying a woman a genuine compliment will instantly uplift her mood. She will feel an instant surge of dopamine, and her oxytocin levels will increase as compliments and praise trigger the reward center in the receiver’s brain.

Also, be sure to consider the context of the environment. Compliment her on her ideas, the way she handled a certain situation, or her personal appearance such as her hairstyle, her eyes, or her smile. Uplifting a woman’s emotions in a positive manner will result in positive outcomes.


Wait for an indication that she is open to being approached

If you approach her out of the blue, she may think you have been spying on her from afar, and this will cause her to feel anxious and uneasy.

Be sure that she knows you are around. Position yourself in her view and wait until she makes eye contact with you. Better yet, if you smile at her, and she smiles back, this is a good indicator that she is open to being approached.

If she is closed off, or is unreceptive to your gestures, this may mean she is not comfortable with you approaching her or coming into her personal space.


One factor to keep in mind at all times

The more you practice the art of attracting women without being creepy, the more they will trust you and let their guards down around you. Women are fiercely in tune with a man’s character, and can easily sense whether or not his intentions are genuine.

Remember, women need to feel safe and secure in the presence of a man. It is her highest priority because it is part of her survival mechanism. By keeping this at the forefront of your mind at all times, she will ease into you, she will listen to what you have to say, she will pay attention to you, and you may just finally strike the jackpot.

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