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Aditya Soma Disrupting The Financial Lifestyle Of Folks

Aditya Soma

Aditya Soma Disrupting The Financial Lifestyle Of Folks

Aditya Soma

Aditya Soma is a real estate agent and investor, born and raised in a lower middle-class family in a small village in India. From a farming family, his parents had to work extra hard to put food on the table and give Aditya and his sister the best education they could afford. He vividly remembers 7 emotional years when he didn’t see his dad, who was working in Dubai. All whilst the family in India had no home,  as Aditya attended a boarding school, despite their family’s financial state, and his mother and sister living with his maternal grandmother.

From his childhood until as recently as September 2020, Aditya’s family was weighed down with debts. He is still sometimes brought to tears whenever he recollects those days. He clearly remembers giving up on his childhood dream of  owning a bicycle; throughout his childhood he got the same answer, ‘no, we cannot afford it.’ Indeed, their financial status was dismal, so much so that he even missed an excursion that cost only 500 Rupees (equivalent to approximately $7 USD).


From Being $100,000 In Debt To Becoming A Millionaire


As the owner of Win City Real Estate, it has not been an easy task to create such an empire. Aditya recalls a time two years ago, when his bank balance was $100,000 in debt. He takes pride in turning his life around, and becoming a millionaire in 2 years.  His American dream came true.

Aditya achieved this by selling over 170 properties, resulting in a million dollars of gross income. Today, his asset value is $1.75 million.


5 Keys To Unlock Your Next Level


A tremendous work ethic holds the key to success. The first key to success, according to Aditya, is motivation. He was motivated to achieve financial freedom and sought out the answer to one pressing question; why was his educated dad unable to  make real and sustainable money? Aditya firmly stands to support the notion that hard work is the key to success. He motivates people to make as much money as they can, by working extra hours and finding side gigs that help them stand out from the rest. Aditya recalls driving ubers and starting a YouTube channel to simply make as much extra income as possible. 

After making money, the next step is to plan for your income. Aditya says, ‘if you are making $10,000 and spending $9,000, then there is no point making that money.’ Saving and investing is the secret to success. Constant learning is also paramount to achieving success. The book ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ was life-changing in his journey. The main lesson from the book was to differentiate between assets that will give you freedom, as opposed to  liabilities which will snatch these freedoms away. Today, Aditya’s best advice to his younger self is to start reading books.

The final element of the success process according to Aditya, is to stay humble when you reach the astounding heights of success. As much as Aditya worked as a software developer, he still lived in a basement, sharing a room, not even a separate room alone. His success language revolves around having the freedom to do whatever he wishes, and one of his new drivers includes  rescuing  others from financial  hardship.

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