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4 Types of Men Women Hate

4 Types of Men Women Hate

4 Types of Men Women Hate


Have you ever wondered, “what do women hate in men”? Well, if so, you’re not alone. Many men are perplexed about what women hate in men. The truth is there’s nothing wrong with a man – except the standards he may keep. However, there are cases where specific behavior’s can lead to demise in the relationship with a woman.

In this article, we highlight four categories of men most women hate, starting with:

#1: Men Who Lie

Men lie. That’s just a fact of life. A lot of men lie, and they lie often.

But why do women hate it so much? Why do they hate it so much that they will end a relationship over it?

The simple answer is that women hate liars because they feel they can’t trust them anymore. If you lie to them about something as simple as where you were last night, then what else are you lying about?

Another reason women hate liars is that honesty is one of the essential qualities in a relationship. If you’re not honest with your partner about what’s going on in your life, how can she trust you? How can she know if you’re telling the truth about anything else when it comes time for her to make decisions about things like money or children or family?

Lying is not an admirable character in a partner, and this single quality will work to erode any relationship fast. Don’t be fooled into thinking that a small white lie here or there is inconsequential either. Adopt the honesty is the best policy outlook from the outset to avoid being the type of man women hate.

Here are prevalent signs you are acting as a liar:

  • You are quick to deny or defend your lies.
  • Your body language is defensive.
  • You have a hard time making eye contact with people when you tell a lie.
  • You make excuses for why you can’t tell the truth, instead of owning up to it and apologizing for lying in the first place.
  • You make up stories to try to get out of something, but don’t follow through on those stories because they were just lies in the first place.
  • You get angry when someone questions what you said or suggests that you might be lying about something.

#2 Men Who Are Afraid

A man who is afraid is not a man at all. He becomes a vulnerable little boy, and a woman will not want to be his protector. She wants to see him as a strong, confident adult who can take care of himself in all situations.

Women hate men who are afraid of things, because they feel like they will never be able to trust them enough to tell their secrets, or ask for help when things get tough. A woman wants to know that her man will be there for her no matter what happens. She wants him to have her back no matter what happens. And if he doesn’t have her back, then she doesn’t want anything to do with him at all.

Here are the prevalent signs you seem afraid:

  • You’re scared of arguing with women.
  • You avoid confrontation at all costs.
  • You don’t trust yourself enough to take necessary decisions on your own.
  • You never speak up when someone says something that offends you.
  • You’re always in pursuit of pleasing others instead of yourself.
  • You back down from challenges.

#3 Men Who Are Cheap

Being cheap is a means to ruin a date and make sure that you never get asked out again. This isn’t just about money — it’s about manners and respect. Here are some examples what being cheap on a date looks like:

being rude or dismissive of the server, asking for free refills or extra plates of bread. If you’re ordering drinks at a bar, don’t ask for another round when you haven’t finished the first one. These things can add up quickly and make you look like an ungrateful guy. Being cheap also comes down to derogatory commentary about another race, gender or even idea. There is no depth to a person who appears cheap.

Here are prevalent signs you are acting cheap:

  • You never take her out on dates.
  • You never pay for anything when you are with her or her friends.
  • You only buy cheap gifts (i.e., flowers, chocolates) For holidays and birthdays.

#4 Men Who Are Fake

Women hate fake men. They want a guy who is honest and straightforward with them. If you like her, tell her! Don’t pretend to be someone else, just because the woman you like doesn’t share the same feelings for you. Women hate it when men use them for sex or try to get in their pants by pretending to be someone else.

Women also hate men who are fake in general. If a guy pretends to be something he’s not just so he can impress people or make them like him more, then he’s not himself at all! This makes most women run for the hills because they don’t want to date someone who isn’t authentic.

Here are the prevalent signs you are acting fake:

  • You can’t stop talking about yourself
  • You don’t listen properly to others
  • You don’t care about others enough to understand their needs and wants
  • You don’t take pride in your work or your appearance
  • You are always joking or making fun of people around you
  • Your actions don’t match your words

The Bottom Line

Many men are completely unaware of the types of men women hate, and that is because men may not expect to be pushed away. Men may not even realize they’re doing anything wrong until it’s too late, leaving many women annoyed and frustrated. So, if you are a man looking to improve your game, you might do well to work some of these things out of your strategy before you start approaching women

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