Is your desk Job making you physically weak

Is your desk Job making you physically weak

The COVID-19 pandemic pushed the world to embrace solutions, such as hybrid environments for the corporate world. 

With hybrid environments, employees are able to work from home and, in some cases, show up at the office from time to time. Statistics show that more than 4.7 million people work remotely at least half the time in the U.S. Furthermore, 16% of companies around the globe plan to hire fully remote workers. 

No doubt remote working has its perks. Many people dream of relishing the freedom of not commuting to work daily. However, remote working compounds an issue that’s already harming our health. Reports show that remote employees work longer and spend more time in meetings.

Life before COVID-19 was notorious for leading employees to live a sedentary lifestyle. But now, with the hybrid environment comes the risk of a worse situation, where people are highly inactive. The desk job makes one physically weak, and the longer we stay glued to our PCs, the more severe the effects. 


Proof that the desk job makes you physically weak 


A study by Owen Neville and other researchers shows that sedentary behaviors, such as prolonged sitting in the workplace, lowered the body’s ability to reduce fat. This is because the body’s metabolism lowers when you sit for long periods. The body’s ability to regulate blood pressure, blood sugar and break down body fat is lowered. 

Prolonged sitting is associated with a plethora of medical conditions. There are extensive studies that link sitting to diseases such as diabetes type 2 and mental illness. For instance, an article that appears in the National Institute of Health reports that sedentary behaviors can increase the risk of:

  • Cardiovascular diseases 
  • Cancer 
  • Diabetes Mellitus (Type 2 diabetes) 
  • Hypertension
  • Dyslipidemia (Elevation of the blood’s cholesterol)
  • Musculoskeletal disorders, e.g. arthralgia and osteoporosis
  • Depression 
  • Cognitive impairment

How the human body is designed 

The human body is designed for motion. It consists of 32.7 trillion cells, about 5.5 liters of blood, and about 10 liters of interstitial fluid. There are over 600 muscles in the body, the main types being the skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscles, and 206 bones. Also, the human heart beats 100,000 times a day, about 35 million times in a year. 

When you look at the body’s design, we can conclude that it wasn’t meant to stay still in one place for long periods of time. The body is like a built machine with muscles, bones, tendons, and other organs working together to keep you alive. When you fail to engage your body in physical activity, you weaken the integrity of your body, which in turn makes you weak. 

The issue with desk jobs 

Desk jobs contribute to several factors that are physically detrimental to our bodies. For starters, it worsens your posture, as most people have improper postures while stationed at their desks. Issues such as having your arms too high, or too low in proximity to your keyboard, leads to problems with the back and shoulders

Some of the common posture issues include:

Sitting for long periods also promotes unhealthy activities such as snacking. Snacks are popular in the office space as it is associated with high employee retention rates and employee happiness. Left unchecked, heavy consumption of unhealthy snacks could lead to weight problems. 

A recent study by showed that 36% of employees skipped meals, whereas 24% engaged in overeating. The employees involved in the survey also admitted to too much screen time (58%), checking phones continuously (50%), and disconnecting from friends and family (32%). These activities all contribute to physically harming your mind and body. 

Some studies also show a sedentary lifestyle can lead to premature death. The studies show that people who have been physically inactive for at least 20 years, have a 2x greater risk of premature death than physically active people. 

The issue of desk jobs gets deeper. Working for demanding bosses can lead to unhealthy habits, such as working for over 8 hours a day and mental illness. 

Get active today 


Luckily, there are many ways people can boost their physical activity. You can move your body throughout the day during work breaks, even if it’s for 30 minutes to engage in some physical activity. 

You should intentionally incorporate physical activity into your life. Take the stairs or park a few blocks away from your house / apartment and walk. 

Your body contributes to more of your life than just physical wellness. It boosts your mental and emotional wellbeing as well. The mind, the body, and your emotions are inseparable. Therefore, don’t allow your body to remain physically weak. 

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