Relationship Warning Signs: What All Men Must Know

Relationship Warning Signs What All Men Must Know

Falling in love is like being intoxicated. That euphoric feeling you get when you’re in a relationship with someone you consciously love is similar to what drunkards experience when they consume an excessive amount of their favorite alcoholic beverage. True love is definitely one of the best things that can ever happen to you. It is mind-boggling and soothing to know that in this vast expanse of a billion people, there is someone special whose presence appeals emotionally and sexually; whose arms you want to be in; whose world means everything to you. 

All of these are the emotional vantage points of love, which evokes so much allure and captivation. However, beyond these, in your relationship, there may be warning signs you need to pay attention to as a man. These relationship warning signs are indicators that despite the feel good moments you may be having, there may be issues underneath the surface which you must know about. A relationship should be equally satisfying, assuring, and pleasing. If your relationship lacks these three qualities, then there are relationship warning signs you have not paid attention to. 

Humans are unquestionably imperfect. Hence, all relationships are expected to have a fair share of imperfections. Yet, there are qualities that should be seen in the woman you are in a relationship with. The absence of these qualities is a relationship warning sign that you should pay serious attention to. Because an attempt to overlook these relationship warnings might be as disastrous as you never imagined. They are impermissible and erroneous triggers that can get worse with the passage of time. These signs should not be treated with the benefit of doubt. So, in the end, you won’t be a victim of guilt, frustration, and depression. Here are five relationship warning signs all men must know about: 

Rude To Your Parents: 

Rudeness towards your parents should never be tolerated in your relationship. As a man, the moment you find your partner being disrespectful and rude to your parents is a major relationship warning sign right there. No man in the world should be in a relationship with a woman with no iota of reverence and honor for his parents, whose disposition is completely rude and uncultured. There is no reason for your partner to make insulting remarks about your parents, even if her rage is as hot as hell. If she is comfortable hurling abusive words at your parents in your presence, then there is a high propensity that she will do worse to them in your absence. Your partner needs to extend respect to those whom are important and value to you.


Loose Public Behaviour:

No man should ever have to bother and worry because his girlfriend is somewhere on the outskirts of the city getting drunk and acting all inappropriate. When your woman behaves in an obviously embarrassing manner, it tarnishes your public image and people’s perception of you. As a man whose goal is to become one of good character and success, your partner must act in a sane, appropriate, honorable, and distinguishable manner to match your calibre. Such behaviour may have been appropriate in our youth, but has no place in the life of a man who is seeking a long-term, stable and supportive partner.


Doesn’t Believe in Self-Improvement:

All progressive humans desire growth. They believe strongly in the principles of self-improvement because, without personal growth, it is practically impossible to be a person of worth. An individual who has a concrete conviction of self-improvement is a person of value. As one who embodies this conviction, it is appropriate that your accompanying spouse aligns with this mindset. However, if you find out she is one whose thirst for growth is dead on arrival, then that is a relationship warning sign you should take cognizance of. Moreso, if you have tried convincing her to take an active interest in self-improvement and failed because she strongly refused, you will find you’ll be growing apart over time as both of you aren’t on the same page anymore. A woman of worth is a woman who believes in self-improvement.

Excessive or Loud Swearing: 

For as much as you would love to act mature, manly and considerate in your relationship, never should you embrace a woman whose tongue is uncontrollable. A woman who engages in excessive and loud swearing is one who lacks self-control and, for sure, isn’t disciplined and intelligent. That is a relationship warning sign. A key factor of a healthy relationship is communication, and you want to be able to go through the heated moments of anger without having cheap abuse hurled at you.


Has Feelings For Her Ex:

If she has feelings for her ex, she may not be available emotionally for the relationship with you. This is another relationship warning sign that you should stay clear of. As a woman, her vulnerability should be to you alone as her boyfriend. Unfinished business in a past relationship is a warning sign that cannot be ignored. You don’t want to be the only one committed and invested in the relationship if your partner hasn’t closed the chapter on the past.


Takes You For Granted:

In all reasonable ways, your girlfriend should never take you for granted. If she takes you for granted, then she is never going to take you seriously. A woman that claims to be in love with you will never treat you as replaceable or that your actions are always a given. When you discover more than once that she does not find you worthy of her commitment, time, and attention, that is a relationship warning sign right there. If she truly loves you, she is never going to take you for granted. When you plan a date with her, she will never miss it for some silly reason. But if you find her constantly de-prioritizing you, then it’s time to reconsider if this is where you want to be. 


What should you do?

It is hurtful to leave a woman you genuinely love or care about. However, it is more painful and devastating to ignore these relationship warning signs. They may be easily overlooked, but can be seeds for long-term issues. While these relationship warning signs are undeniable and should not be treated as insignificant, you can always seek to address these via open discussion and seeking mutual understanding.  But if you cannot arrive to this understanding, it may be the biggest warning sign yet: it’s simply not the relationship for you. 

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