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“The Real Life Wizard Of Oz”, Steve Sims On The Art Of Connection And Living A More Meaningful Life

Steve Sims

“The Real Life Wizard Of Oz”, Steve Sims On The Art Of Connection And Living A More Meaningful Life

Steve Sims

The digital age and technology have significantly impacted the way humans connect. Superficial connections replace deep and meaningful relationships, and communication becomes misinterpreted, as text messaging becomes the norm. It’s uncommon now to pick up the phone to wish someone “happy birthday,” with many of us opting to send a happy birthday message instead. Although it’s the thought that counts, it lacks a personal touch. 

Steve Sims is the best-selling Author of “Bluefishing – The Art of Making Things Happen.” He is a highly sought-after coach. and is rated as the number 22 best speaker in the US after being a keynote speaker at various networks, groups, and associations, including twice at the Pentagon and Harvard. 

“The Real Life Wizard of Oz”

Steve has a range of prestigious accomplishments behind him. He has worked with Sir Elton John and Elon Musk, sent people down to see the wreck of the Titanic on the sea bed, and closed museums in Florence for private dinner parties, with Andrea Bocelli serenading them while they ate pasta. 

Quoted as “The Real Life Wizard of Oz ” by Forbes and Entrepreneur Magazine, Steve decided he wanted more experiences with friends and family to maintain a feeling of connection. He shares, “We are pack animals, and only through experiences are we truly connecting. Ideally, continued experiences grow our communication and understanding, making the world a happier place with less anger.”

Clarity is a superpower

Clarity makes your own goals and aspirations clear, and it also helps people trust you when they can see you have a clear direction. Years ago, Steve wished for clarity to be his superpower. He wanted to ensure everyone knew who he was and what he stood for.  

Clarity breeds mastery, and mastery leads to success. Steve shares, “To me, success is never selling out, no matter how much money I can make from it. I value connecting with my friends and family. I value experiences and helping others gain clarity in who they are, and how to shine in the world.”

Time is more valuable than money

Steve once worked on a job where he was helping a client get married by The Pope. While this made him a lot of money, it meant time away from his family for 6 months. This incident took a toll on him emotionally, and instantly he knew he had made a wrong move, locking himself into the contract. At that moment, Steve learned that no amount of money would be worth losing out on time with his friends and family. Today, he now decides on what projects he takes on by determining the return he would get, and whether it gives or takes his energy away. 

We do not have to cut ourselves off from technology to experience connection with our close ones. We can use technology to connect, all while making more conscious decisions around how to navigate our life path to fit in what is important to us. Lastly, we can simply remember what comes to us naturally as humans and fulfills our most innate needs and desires.

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