The Right Woman Will Support You On Your Mission

(The Wrong One Will Make You Drop It For Her)

The Right Woman Will Support You On Your Mission

What support looks like in a relationship is by no means a cookie-cutter approach. Your relationship is unique, which means the way you approach support must be an ideal combination of what works for both parties involved. One thing that stands true is your spouse supporting your goals and aspirations. 

The markers that highlight support in a relationship have been clearly defined in past decades. Most specifically, when men were the primary breadwinners and women the homemakers, support could be summed up in the adage, “Behind every successful man is a good woman.” While this expression is still accurate, a lot has changed in more recent years. 

No longer is the support of a woman limited to warm meals, well-groomed children, and a well-kept house. A research highlighted that women now account for 25% of all C-suite positions, and more than half of university populations. With this shift in women’s careers, relationships have undoubtedly changed. 

So, when a relationship includes two ambitious, successful people, how does a woman still support her mate? 

For the man who works hard to accomplish his goals, a strong woman in his corner who takes the time to lend her unwavering support is crucial to his success. Unfortunately, many women in their pursuit of personal success forget about their supporting role to their man.

The woman who fits you like a puzzle piece will be more than capable of realizing her dreams, all while helping you propel your own. 


A good woman will not be threatened by your ambition


A woman centered in herself, who loves and supports your ambitions, will not be threatened by your aspirations. She will recognize the value of your ambition as it benefits your relationship and the future you are creating together as a team. Anyone threatened by your ambition is only projecting their insecurities. If the woman in your life sees your ambition as a threat, she is not the woman for you.


She will not compete with you

The right woman will never compete with you. She is able to comprehend that as you traverse individual paths, your journey will pose no threat to her own. The ideal woman knows your lives are not an individual sprint, but instead a relay where everyone’s contribution is needed for success.


She will compliment and complement you

The woman to help you on the path to success will compliment you. She will never shy away from expressing admiration for your efforts and hard work. A strong woman has mastered the art of being your perfect ending. She won’t aim to stand in stark contrast to you. She will never try to steal your thunder. The ideal female mate will know how to fuel her dreams while being the ‘wow factor’ in your life that makes you better.


She will find ways to support you on your mission

Even as she works hard at her ventures, she will still undertake the feat of supporting yours. A woman of worth will always find a way to show up for the man in her life. She will never miss an opportunity to assist his ascent to the top. 


She would realize that together you are a powerful force

There is no “I” in team, and a good woman knows this. She is an intelligent strategic executor who knows that you both are good separately. However, together you’re a force to be reckoned with. A good woman is confident in the combined power both people bring to the relationship. 


She does not treat your mission like a chore

If the woman you love views your mission as an afterthought or something she ticks off her to-do list, then it’s time to cut your losses and go. What you’re trying to accomplish is not someone else’s annoying task they don’t want to get done, but have to because it’s expected. You and your work should be a priority for your partner, just as it is a priority for you.


She should never begrudge your work

The perfect woman will understand and be okay if what you’re doing carries more weight, or is more impactful than what she does. The woman to help take you to the top will never begrudge the exceptional work you do. She will be proud to be the partner of a trailblazer. 

A Carnegie Mellon University study discovered that people with supportive spouses were more likely to take on potentially rewarding challenges, and thus experienced more personal growth, happiness, and psychological well-being. 

Many successful people credit their success to spouses. In 2011, former President Barack Obama said it best, “Obviously I couldn’t have done anything that I’ve done without Michelle; she keeps me sane and balanced. Not only has she been a great first lady, she is just my rock. I count on her in so many ways every single day.”

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