What Do Men Really Want in a Woman?


What Do Men Really Want in a Woman

You might have heard the saying that “men only want one thing” several times, and not just on dating apps. It is the main reason that the number of single women has risen by 39% over the last decade. And while you can gloss over this statement by the talks of empowerment, that would be a reflexive response. Of course, there are men who are stuck in survival mode and only seek pleasure, may only be after one thing. That doesn’t mean that all men are one-dimensional in their needs.

There are real men out there – successful men looking for something more serious. These modern men of substance seek something more substantial from the woman in their lives. Men who are serious in their life, don’t just want one thing from women. And the connotations of what men really want in a woman has changed. This new generation of men is not only looking at sexual appeal; they seek compatibility with a partner and more.

Curious to find out what it really is?


Here Are the Qualities That Men Really Want in a Woman

Before we begin, be warned. You must read these qualities with an open mind. These attributes that men look for in women will change the perception of how you look at men.


Men Are Looking For Real Women – Someone Who Embraces Her Femininity

Being “real” is attractive. Often, women are swept by the façade of what’s presented in social media and magazines and believe that men are into superficial stuff. While the glossed bodies, the airbrushed faces, and the enhanced features look appealing – that’s not the women that real men want.

They want a woman who is real. But who is a real woman? A real woman is one who has embraced her femininity inside and out – and is not afraid to show it. She is supportive, sensitive, nurturing, cooperative, modest, and above all, kind. She who is at peace with her feminine side and embraces it whole-heatedly is a real woman. A woman who is strong in her femininity will be able to support the mission of her partner, and this is a rare quality that men are seeking in a world where most women are just as imbalanced into their masculine. Men aren’t looking for a hyper-masculine woman who makes them feel like they’re with the boys.

“But men say one thing but, in reality, want another.” – you might argue. That’s the difference between real men and those who are still stuck in survival mode. Real men walk the talk. These are the multi-dimensional men looking for women that have embraced femininity in all aspects of their lives – mind, body, and soul.  


What Men Really Want in a Women Is Confidence

There is just something in the eyes of a confident woman that men find irresistible. Your confidence lays bare the inner and the beautiful you. A confident woman is one that completely believes in herself, holds on to her value and is fully self-aware, and is someone who understands that she is valuable even when she is standing alone.

However, being confident and finding solace in solitariness doesn’t always translate to a good relationship. A woman who is confident, strong, and dominating but says she doesn’t need a man in her life is full of masculine energy – and an unbalanced one at that. There must be balance within a woman that has confidence.

A confident woman is not defined by her relationship status but still understands its importance, for she is balanced with her feminine side.

A  confident woman as such doesn’t need to flaunt or flirt, throwing herself at men.. Now flirting and flaunting can attract men, but you won’t be able to hold on to them for long. What men really want in a woman is one who can be led, but also be the leader when needed, and that takes confidence for a woman to know how to do both.

A confident woman is sensual without having to resort to revealing outfits. She is sexy without the need to be flirtatious, and she is expressive without saying many words. Real men see such a woman as wise and are willing to build a foundation of a relationship with her. Less is more may apply to architecture, but not attire. Class, has never gone out of style.

Men are not seeking damsels in distress to save. A woman who is confident in herself will extend that confidence to her partner and their relationships. Stability is an underrated quality and one that is not often spoken of when it comes to what men really want.


Men Really Want A Woman With Whom They Can Build A Life

Men are not only seeking someone to love and to hold hands with. They are looking for a partner – someone who can walk alongside them and help them with their mission in life. It can be to create a better life, build a family, or leave behind a legacy.

That is why when these men are out there looking for a partner, they want someone to truly connect with, someone who shares their values, their goals, and their vision for the future.  

These men also know they can’t expect their life to be smooth sailing. There are challenges that arrive at any time and tragedies that can shake their foundation. At that time, it is the woman in their lives they look up to, for she can support them, and stand by them through thick and thin. What men really want in a woman, is a person whom they can be vulnerable with without judgement. They won’t tell you that they will need space held for them to work through their emotions, but it’s what men really want in a woman.


What Men Really Want Is A Woman With Passion

And the final and most important aspect that men really want in women is passion. While you might think it is easy – let us stop you right there. There is a wide chasm between a passionate woman and a dramatic woman. Men get attracted to the former and are repelled by the latter. What does that mean?

Women are creators, and are a life source (literally). A woman who has passion in her life can create beauty, love and be a source of energy for her partner.

 It also means caring enough about yourself to pursue things that are meaningful in life. Living purposefully is the core of being passionate. There is nothing more attractive than being in conversation with people who come alive when they’re engaged in what excites them. Following a purposeful life will seep into every part of your life – and then the real men you want will know that you are passionate and real. Men simply aren’t seeking to partner with a woman who hates her job, herself or her family, and won’t do anything about it.



There is a lot of conversation around the ‘perfect’ man that most women are seeking. Yet, little discourse about the type of woman one has to become in order to attract the ‘perfect’ man – whatever that may mean to you. A woman in balance: strong yet nurturing, confident yet tender, passionate yet balanced, modern yet traditional – these are the women men really want. And these are the only type of women that can get an aligned man in their life.

Are you that kind of woman?

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