Best Movies For Men To Watch


Intelligent men know that learning is not meant to be stereotyped. They know that learning good morals and etiquette can be obtained in a divergent pool. It can include reading books, listening to podcasts, watching documentaries, talking to older and even younger people, watching movies, etc. Prior to the advent of cinematography and filmmaking, men relished the thrill of reading books, playing games, watching football, and others.

So, if a man was to learn anything, there was no way it would be beyond the bandwidth of all mentioned in the previous sentence. But the emergence of cinematography created another means for men to learn and get acquainted with different ideas and nuances. Movies are a great deal. When you watch the right movies, you are assured of learning and getting exposed to information you never knew before seeing such movies.

There’s a lot to learn from seeing good movies whose storylines address various societal problems, which could range from politics, migration, history, relationships, romance, education, and many more. Readers are referred to as travelers because books are the bridges into cities and places they have not been to physically.

Movies are like books, and even beyond the imagination that we find in books, movies are more practical and direct. There is a stockpile of enthralling and didactic movies you can watch as a man. Let’s take a look at a good number of these movies that can contribute significantly to your embodiment as a man in the world— these are the best movies for men to watch.





Braveheart is an epic movie. It is definitely a must-watch; it is one of the best movies for men to be reinspired with courage and conviction as to their purpose in the world. This movie inspires men to be resolute, selfless, and bold in the face of adversity. The movie mirrors the life of a Scottish warrior whose firm and staunchness lead him to glory, and these are qualities influential to your survival as a man.




The Shawshank Redemption

‘The Shawshank Redemption’ is a film about the life of a banker falsely accused and imprisoned for the death of his wife. Andy, the banker, eventually escapes from prison, taking a huge risk. This movie teaches and helps men to be risk takers and unintimidated by the difficulties that lay ahead. There is no greater cause fighting for than freedom. Either get busy living, or get busy dying. It is one the best movies for men to watch.




Die Hard

In this iconic 1980s film, the life of NYPD detective John McClane illustrates the expected responsibilities of every man. And John, who understands the burden of being at the fore of preventing the enemies’ triumph, gallantly fights. Men are warriors. As a man, you are expected to protect all that you cherish, and you must do that without fear and trepidation. It is indisputably one of the best movies for men to watch.





In this movie, you learn as a man to always take chances and go hard at striving to achieve your dreams. Rocky is an exhilarating tale of a local underdog boxer from Philadelphia’s rough streets who receives the chance of a lifetime: a match against Apollo Creed, the current heavyweight boxing champion. It is one of the best movies for men to watch.





This movie revives the gut to face one’s fears and conquer them without a bit of doubt. As a man, it is the perfect boost if you feel downtrodden. If you only do one thing this year, make it watching this movie. Bond has an unrivalled sense of class, chivalry and decorum, a master of any situation, and never flinching at the sight of any adversity. We can all embody the cool, collective and suave nature of James Bond.




First Blood

Enlisting this movie as one of the best movies for men to watch is not a mistake. Sylvester Stallone plays the character, John Rambo, in an inspiring and commendable manner. As a man, you will learn the art of sacrifice, making choices, and having the guts to win in the hardest of circumstances.




The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight teaches men to disregard the consequences and pursue goals that will aid and promote social peace. In a bid to stop the Joker from wreaking total havoc throughout the city, the Dark Knight collaborates with the district attorney of Gotham and a police lieutenant. In extension, you will learn as a man the power of teamwork and cooperation, and that good must always prevail over evil.




The Bourne Trilogy

Matt Damon plays Jason Bourne in this movie. And Jason Bourne is displayed as an elite government spy who is hellbent on uncovering the dark truths of his enigmatic past. As a man, you will learn to be resolute and unperturbed by barriers whose goal is to hinder you from achieving your aims. Without a doubt, this is one of the best movies for men to watch.




Saving Private Ryan

In this action-packed World War II film starring Tom Hank as Captain John Miller, you will learn to move past haunting traumas and ensure you do not allow your past to dictate your response to events. There’s a strength of character conveyed by the Captain, that can show you how to navigate your own path, and leave the past where it belongs: in the past.




Iron Man

“Iron Man” is a movie that captures the fight of a group of characters against crime and global corruption. As a man, you will learn to be good-willed and selfless in this movie. Whilst men are certainly not dispensable to society, they have a duty to build the society that will benefit all. They are the last remaining front from the slippery slope society is on – make sure you watch this movie to become iron clad as you rise to the challenge.



Wrap Up

Should a man watch movies to numb the mind and simply seek entertainment? Absolutely not. But when there is opportunity for downtime, a movie that inspires and ignites the masculine strength of action and resolve, is certainly worth watching. These are the best movies for men to watch. Ensure you do watch them, and you will find priceless and life-changing traits to learn.

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