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The Pros and Cons of Taking Dating Advice From Women?

The Pros and Cons of Taking Dating Advice From Women

The Pros and Cons of Taking Dating Advice From Women?

The Pros and Cons of Taking Dating Advice From Women

Even though every man possesses unique qualities and strengths, there are specific things that all males desire. However, many men struggle to express their needs openly, so they may keep these desires hidden in fear of being rejected or ridiculed, or in fear of not achieving what they truly want.

Over the years, the innate male desires have been suppressed, and men have been conditioned to believe masculinity is unhealthy and they should be more passive, gentle and soft. However, on an instinctual level, men all have the same drive to fulfill the same needs. The genetic makeup of men will never change.

Here are 3 things that all males secretly desire.


To be a fearless warrior

Men who step up to their fullest potential as fearless warriors are tough and caring. They are confident but not arrogant. They are intense, yet restrained and composed. The qualities of direction and assertiveness are needed in a fearless warrior when fulfilling one of the most yearned for male desires, as these qualities have them gain respect as a leader.

Men can learn to use fear to their advantage to reach new heights in their lives, or run the risk of reducing their lives to a dreary, numb existence, such as escaping fear with alcohol and drug abuse and other debilitating vices.

True fearlessness can be developed if you understand that the quality of your thoughts is the only thing stopping you from achieving your goals. Fearless men have honed the ability to control their fears, even if it means costing them their lives. They feel the fear and do it anyway, as they know that growth cannot be achieved in their comfort zone.

Whether or not you’re a BASE jumper, a skydiver, or a freestyle motocross rider, you can learn a lot about these types of fearless warriors in the way they don’t allow fear to override them. For males, “fear management” has become an art form: They secretly want a state in which their nervous systems and neurology are no longer affected by the thought of dread and “what if’s” when it comes to their career, relationships, hobbies or personal wellbeing.

Furthermore, all men secretly desire to be someone who all other men look up to and admire for their strength and character. Iron sharpens iron, so when one man becomes a warrior, he inspires others to step up with him.


To be a passionate lover

The way men and women see the world is extremely different. Men are more logical creatures who see the world in black and white, while women are more emotional creatures who are driven by love. Therefore, it’s not always easy for men and women to communicate on the same level and is often the reason why each of them feel misunderstood. However, all males secretly wish they could be more passionate lovers to experience true love in its fullest depth, mutually.

Women are typically attracted to confident men. Keep in mind that the line between confidence and arrogance is fine. While arrogance repels, confidence attracts. Most women are attracted to men who take their future seriously and can rationally make decisions. In a relationship, it is the man’s role to provide direction. Fostering an environment of mutual respect and collaboration is essential.

Women who stay in touch with their feminine side are more attractive to men. She is soft, gentle-hearted, and when he comes home from a long day at work, he can feel like he can release the weight off his shoulders around her. Men have a deep longing in their hearts for the woman in their lives to trust him and follow his lead.

The more polarity you can maintain between the masculine and feminine dynamics in relationships, the more passion and chemistry there will be between you and your lover. In addition, the more you can please your woman and cater to her needs, the more she will cater to your every need, inspiring you even more and helping you step into your greatest potential as a man. The importance lies in communicating each other’s needs, being respectful and understanding of each other’s needs, and ultimately experiencing more passion as lovers – far more than men can achieve through casual “hook-ups”.

To be a tribe leader

When it comes to taking the lead, men are always on the lookout for opportunities. When men don’t take charge, they become passive and reserved, as it suggests they’ve abdicated all authority over the situation. This is a very vulnerable situation to find yourself in, as your self-confidence diminishes, where you know deep down you’re not living up to your fullest potential, nor are you fulfilling your inner-most male desires.

A man who is a tribe leader attracts his tribe by putting his values openly on display and communicating the change he wishes to see in his community. When he does this, he is driven and fulfilled by his life’s mission. He’s not looking to gain control or assert dominance over others; instead, he wants a tribe who he can take with him on his life’s mission.

His confidence and level-headedness will have others eager to accompany him on his journey when he works towards fulfilling one of his most significant male desires as a tribe leader. In doing so, he will also gain a high level of respect from his supportive tribe. This could take place in his workplace, his family life, or within his community such as church or team sports. Where leadership is required, all men secretly desire to gain full trust from others to lead them to a place where they feel safe and protected, as it gives them a feeling of status.


To conclude

When men acknowledge that their deepest male desires will remain unchanged, and that all men secretly desire the same things, they can work towards fulfilling those needs with full clarity and focus.

When you work on becoming fearless and overcoming the obstacles in your own mind, you will gain the courage to step up and take ownership of your life. When you do so, you will gain the respect of others who will be more trusting to follow your lead. To fulfill each of these 3 male desires above means men can find ultimate joy in all areas of life, emotionally, physically and romantically.

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