Well-being Coach on Creating a Life Worth Living

Evan Sutter

Evan Sutter is a keynote speaker, 3x published author, well-being coach, podcaster, the host of Sutterfaction, and numerous other titles, and a man much more than his titles. He is a man on a mission to spread awareness about mindfulness, health, and the essence of developing a true interest in exploring your inner self and the outer world.

Evan Sutter’s life wasn’t always this balanced. He was drowning in a pool of distractions from superficial things. Coming from a blue-collar family he was stuck for many years in what he calls the pleasure trap. 

But things changed and life had chosen a different destiny for him. After a fortunate run down to the Buddhist Monastery, his beliefs were challenged, his perspective and way of thinking experienced a massive shift, his habits were shaken, and forced him to reconsider his direction in life.

Leading a Life of Curiosity and Fascination

One of the major highlights of Evan Stutter’s life and work comes from his curiosity about life and aliveness. His curiosity to discover himself, explore new perspectives and ways of seeing, and question his old ways of living. By questioning himself he got to get out of the constant loop of bad habits that were eating at his life and time.

Thus, he made it his core value to spread awareness of curiosity and what it can do for people. He believes that curiosity can help you do meaningful things in the short time you spend on this planet. It stops you from forgetting about the base of humans and human qualities in the pursuit of more.

Focusing your Energy Inwards

Evan Sutter has gone through the happiness trap to living in the monastery, slowing down, facing loneliness and his worst crippling fears, and finally finding out that a rich inner world and mental well-being are important for combating the fickle outer world.

It helps you become brave against your fears, develop a playfulness and will to learn new things at any age, to try new things and fail, to be scared but not let it cripple you. Developing strong inner energy is highly beneficial to your well-being moving forward.

Why Success is Balance

Evan Sutter strongly believes that success is creating a balance between your inner and outer life and having an integrated approach to it. From having a sense of accomplishment from working on projects and being rewarded to developing meaningful relationships, positive engagement, physical and mental well-being, joy, satisfaction, and peace of mind come from maintaining a balance between the two. 

Above everything, Evan Sutters believes that discovery, and exploration, don’t come from chasing things outside but from repeatedly altering the way you see and interpret things. His approach to life is bound to help people discover wonders about themselves and the world around them, and live a content life without causing undue suffering to themselves and the people around them.

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