Ajinkya Bhasme: Redefining Masculinity Through Mental Health

Ajinkya Bhasme

As a society, we don’t address men’s mental health issues often. As shocking as it may seem, 70% of surveyed men don’t have any friends to talk to or share their most pressing concerns.

Redefining Masculinity Through Mental Health

From emasculating men who cry to considering vulnerability in men a reason to be frowned upon, and judging men based on superficial aspects like salary and physical appearances, there are several things wrong with the definition of masculinity.

Ajinkya Bhasme shares that the alienation from emotions leads to toxic masculinity and deteriorating mental health in the long run.

For the very same reason, Zealopia came into existence. Through his venture, Ajinkya wants to create a space where men can share their issues like stress, anxiety, and depression, and find support for it without any hesitation.

He believes that “ A man who is not bound by the limitations of how he should protect his masculinity, is free to unleash his true potential and gift something great to the world.”

Following “Unrealistic” Dreams in a Realistic Way

Celebrating Every Win

A note from one of his Zealopia clients, someone purchasing his book and leaving a positive review, every small win counts for Ajinkya Bhasme at this point in his life. He also shares how he looks for role models in his own circle and picks something good from everyone, instead of idolizing people he doesn’t know on a personal level.

Although he believes that success in itself has an everchanging definition, celebrating small wins brings about self-satisfaction and positivity in the grand scheme of things.

On a more personal front, he wants to be a man who exudes masculinity without being afraid of femininity.

That is the only way to get away from toxic masculinity, preserve your mental health, and achieve your definition of success regardless of what others have to say.




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