Dylan McLauchlan: 2 Powerful Ways Entrepreneurs Can Regulate Their Emotions When Dealing With Challenges

Dylan McLauchlan

Emotional regulation is the ability to adequately regulate your emotions to effectively deal with challenges, obstacles, or opportunities you may face along your entrepreneurial journey. If you do not bring awareness to what is happening on both an inner and outer level, you cannot operate at your most optimal level. Furthermore, the lack of your capability to regulate your emotions can completely hijack your ability to succeed. 

Dylan McLauchlan is a former construction worker turned successful Real Estate investor. With almost ten years of Real Estate, business, and investing experience and nearly 100 deals transacted, he has successfully navigated the journey from doom’s day job into one of financial freedom. In conjunction with his financial success, Dylan’s also a voracious student of success and development, including health, fitness, and relationships.

Without emotional regulation, entrepreneurs get triggered, become distracted, and put themselves at risk of burnout, making little to no progress on their journey. 

Dylan shares two solutions to this issue, of which he says both works together synergistically: 

  1. The inner work

You are cultivating awareness of your emotions and being able to control them internally, without any external stimulus. You understand that your internal thought patterns, beliefs, and perspectives impact the outcomes you attain in the physical world.

  1. The outer work

You are cultivating a thriving “life ecosystem” in areas of your life, such as the work you’re passionate about, goals you’re motivated to achieve, adventures that excite you, relationships that bring you joy, and ultimately a life that fulfills you. 

According to Dylan, “when you bring these two solutions together, it’s easier to stay in a positive and productive place emotionally. I strive to be part of the solution to this issue by becoming a living example of what’s possible, and helping people become masters in any areas where they’re lacking.” 

Dylan believes that there would be less toxicity in an ideal world – from the toxic media people consume to the toxic ways people treat each other online. While massive change can be hard to envision, even small steps in the right direction are positive. However, it’s also critical not to neglect health and relationships, which are more important than money alone, as these critical areas influence how much money and success you generate.

Successful entrepreneurs and leaders understand that results are not immediate. They know that long-lasting and sustainable success results from small achievements compounded over time. A famous quote Dylan lives by is from famous author Jeff Olson, “Any time you see what looks like a breakthrough, it is always the result of a long series of little things, done consistently over time.” 

Success is merely achieving one’s goals and the art of knowing what targets to aim for. However, the fundamental to success is ultimately enjoying your life. When we can see our progress on an inner and outer level, we feel more accomplished and confident on our entrepreneurial journey.

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