How Brodie Casa Used “Effort And Grit” To Overcome Failures To Thrive In The Fitness Industry

Brodie Casa

The pressure to be successful, driven, and ambitious are high on today’s men. It often pushes them in a direction that they’re not passionate about. When they are too far gone, they accept mediocrity as their way of life. But it doesn’t have to be this way. If you’re willing to put in a little effort and grit, you align your life’s direction with your passion.

Brodie Casa is a professional health coach that helps men build better physiques and live a more fulfilling life through exercise, mobility, holistic nutrition, and mindset practices. After repeatedly failing for six years as he tried to establish himself as an entrepreneur, Brodie Casa found a way to leverage his love for fitness to keep moving forward. His effort to keep persevering resulted in building not one, but two successful fitness ventures. He is now earning renown worldwide as a thought leader, content creator, investor, and as a performance coach.

Brodie Casa’s Multiple Failings Didn’t Deter Him

Brodie Casa’s had a humble childhood that got upturned after his parents’ divorce. Never believing himself to be more than average at anything, he felt further lost when separation led to his father relocating to Brisbane.

Brodie Casa carried that feeling of being lost in everything through his early teens. Trying to find a place he truly felt belonged, he blended with every crowd. It was not until he was 18 that he finally started living with his father, whom he admires deeply to this day.

For the next ten years, Brodie Casa worked as a laborer, forever seeking his father’s tough approval. He also upskilled and obtained construction certification, hoping to fill his father’s shoes someday by taking over from his multi-million dollar business.

During this time, he learned that being in the construction might not be his true passion. Feeling lost again and finally deciding to take charge of his life and find out where his path lies, he dove into academics.

Aged 25 and a more mature student among college peers, Brodie Casa started pursuing mathematics and finance. It is here that he received his first win in life, with him graduating at the top of every single class.

But the failures didn’t cease. Unfortunately, his win also coincided with two major business failures. The first was the business venture of offering commercial cleaning services to gyms, and the second was an advertising app. But Brodie Casa was not deterred by these repeated failures – as he also was unsuccessful at getting his Nutrition/PT business off the ground.

But that doesn’t mean he wasn’t fed up. Wanting a semblance of normalcy at this point and believing that it was too late to experiment, Brodie Casa finally joined the corporate world as a financial advisor. After a year of winning at this job, the pandemic hit.

Times were stressful, and the desire to move forward was high. Brodie Casa thus decided to leave a job he loved and the boss he respected to once again have his passion for fitness find him a path.

Patience, Keenness to Learn, and Mentors – Brodie Casa’s Three Secrets of Success

Although he felt lost during his repeated encounters with failures, Brodie Casa was never deterred. His circumstances taught him the value of patience which was instrumental when he decided to leave the cushy job as a financial advisor to find his way as a fitness coach.

As Coach Brodie Casa started to grow organically through Instagram, he could have decided to stop. But his willingness to learn about nutrition helped him start another business venture.

He remains thankful that he had mentors and coaches to help him through his endeavors.

Brodie Casa had moved further in a different direction before deciding to make a disruptive change through his effort and grit.

Are you due for a change?

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