Mayu Thava: The Investor Dedicated to Helping Everyday People RISE Through Financial Literacy

Mayu Thava

Financial literacy is non-negotiable if you want to be successful. You need the right skills and knowledge to make informed decisions about your finances. As a financially literate person, it’s easier to allocate your income to different goals. You wouldn’t just spend your entire life working to pay off bills.

The good thing about financial literacy is that you don’t need to have huge disposable income to start. You can start where you are as long as you have the right information at your disposal. Mayu Thava, mission is to help the everyday person get access to the correct information to make informed decisions about their finances.

From an immigrant family, Mayu Thava is a former chartered accountant who is now a well-accomplished real estate investor with over 50 units and a mortgage agent servicing primarily investors in Ontario. He also wears other hats, as the co-host of the RISE podcast, a real estate flipper and a coach. As a leading investor, Mayu Thava focuses on helping other investors scale up their investment portfolios to accumulate wealth through long-term real estate investing.

He started his career as an accountant because he was told that was necessary if he wanted to do business. However, he later realized that wasn’t the path to the kind of future he wanted for himself.

“Ultimately, the day I quit my job and jumped into my passion full time, it felt as though a huge burden was gone from my life, and I was finally able to be free and do what I wanted – which was to risk it all over and over again in the hopes of a better future for myself and those around me.”—Mayu Thava

Definition of Success—It’s All About Freedom

 The definition of success differs per person, but we can all agree that whether or not you are successful depends on achieving a goal you have set. This goal varies from one person to the other. For Mayu Thava, this goal is freedom.

“Success to me is having financial, location and time freedom.”—Maya Thava.

But how does one achieve this freedom that makes one a success? He believes that grit, communication and personality are the three most essential elements to make a person successful. No wonder he’s constantly advising anyone on the path to success to continue to take actions, even if those actions are not perfect.

“Imperfect action over perfect inaction always”—Mayu Thava.

Laziness and a Lack of Financial Literacy: The Biggest Challenges Men Face Today

There’s no lack of resources, only resourcefulness. Agreeably with Mayu Thava, most men have become softer, lazier and expect things to be provided rather than going out and doing what is required to achieve it. Here’s what majorly holds back most men from achieving prosperity according to Mayu Thava:


Men in the current generation need a positive change in their work ethics. More people need to understand the peculiarities of the current economic and political environment. Fear of what would happen in the future if nothing changes will trigger a change in work ethics to do something today, to create a more prosperous future.

Lack of Financial Literacy

He believes better financial education and knowledge on personal finance, financial literacy, wealth generation and preservation need to be common knowledge among the general population and not only a wealthy few. This is why the RISE podcast, a podcast in which Mayu Thava is a co-host, is dedicated to elevating the financial being of the everyday person.

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