Rumman Habib: Helping Start-up’s Grow Exponentially Through Digital, Personal and Financial Growth

Rumman Habib

Entrepreneurship is not for the faint-hearted; neither is it a shortcut to getting rich quickly. Although the entrepreneurial journey is full of uncertainties and challenges, it also comes with triumphs and victories. Typical challenges start-ups face include a lack of financial management, hiring suitable employees, or difficulty leading teams. 

Leading the way for start-ups

Rumman Habib is a Sophomore at La Martiniere College, Lucknow. He’s a start-up founder, entrepreneur, public speaker, podcaster, and fitness influencer. He also serves as the Founder and Managing Director of The Grow Group, a conglomerate of companies including The Grow Media Production and The Grow Digital Services. 

The Grow Group Company is the first and largest ever student-run company providing a plethora of digital, personal development, and financial services to its customers. He interviews successful personalities on his podcast, “The Grow Podcast,” and hosts a college podcast, “The LEO Podcast.”

Three success secrets for start-up entrepreneurs

Rumman shares 3 essential secrets for start-up entrepreneurs that are required to build a well-established business empire.

  1. Hope

Always be optimistic, even when things are not going as planned. To be successful as an entrepreneur, you cannot be risk-averse. At times you may not achieve all your targets, but that should not mean you quit; you need to be persistent and hopeful that with time things will improve.

 Rumman says, “Hope is the map for the journey you want to embark on. Without hope, you won’t know the purpose and meaning behind what you do.”

       2. Perseverance

Perseverance is the capacity to maintain your focus. Today’s failure will help you learn valuable lessons and help you understand what to avoid in the future. It’s also important not to fall into your comfort zone, as you will not succeed and grow. Rumman emphasizes that perseverance will keep you going in the long term, when you inevitably find your results don’t come immediately.

       3. Empathy

Rumman believes empathy is the secret behind almost every successful male. Without empathy, you will not be receptive to genuine feedback about yourself, which is essential so that you can work on them. Empathy is also your ability as an entrepreneur to put yourself in the shoes of your customers, employees, and shareholders.

Opportunities we have available today are endless

We live in a society where we now have all the knowledge, tools, resources, and support at our fingertips. There are few excuses left when choosing whether or not we take steps towards realizing our dreams and goals. 

Rumman believes that today, men have become so complacent in their comfort zone that they’ve lost their zeal to grow. He shares, “Any person reading this article has enough amenities to upgrade themselves and solve their problems. Despite these amenities, most men prefer to stay at home and watch Netflix while doing nothing to overcome their problems and find their purpose.”

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